Articles Posted in Motor Vehicle Accident

In the last couple of years car accidents involving pedestrians have steadily increased. A report by the National Public Radio (NPR) released in 2017, stated that pedestrian fatalities had increased by over 11 percent in a single year, putting the number of fatalities to nearly 6,000 deaths. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated 5,376 pedestrians were killed in 2015 and 4,884 pedestrians were killed in 2014. Based on those numbers, NHTSA estimates that on average, a pedestrian was killed every two hours and injured every seven minutes in traffic crashes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pedestrians are 1.5 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to be killed in a car accident.

The CDC states that high vehicle speeds increase both the likelihood of a pedestrian being struck by a car and the severity of the pedestrian’s injury. In NPR’s report, the deputy executive director of the Active Transportation Alliance, interviewed by NPR, stated that, “If a pedestrian is struck at 20 miles an hour, they have a 10 percent chance of dying. If they are struck at 40 miles an hour, they have an 80 percent chance of dying.” Continue reading

Last week, the Illinois Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case of Antonicelli v. Rodriguez, a personal injury car accident case involving multiple defendants. In the case, the plaintiff, Angela Antonicelli, was a passenger in a car traveling on Interstate 88. Antonicelli v. Rodriguez, 2018 IL 121943, ¶ 3.  Defendant Karl Browder was operating a semi-truck directly behind the vehicle Ms. Antonicelli was a passenger in. Id. Defendant Daniel Juan Rodriguez, while under the influence of cocaine, made an improper U-turn and struck Ms. Antonicelli’s vehicle. Id. at ¶ 4. Mr. Browder’s vehicle then slammed into Ms. Antonicelli’s vehicle. Id. As a result of the multiple collisions, Ms. Antonicelli suffered severe permanent injuries. Id.

Ms. Antonicelli brought a lawsuit against both Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Browder (as well as Mr. Browder’s employers) to recover medical expenses and damages for her injuries. Id. at ¶ 6. Prior to the case going to trial, Ms. Antonicelli and Mr. Rodriguez entered into a settlement agreement for $20,000, the policy limits of Mr. Rodriguez’s insurance policy. Id. Mr. Browder then filed a counterclaim against Mr. Rodriguez for contribution, alleging that Mr. Rodriguez’s intentional conduct was the causation of Ms. Antonicelli’s injuries. Id. at ¶ 7. Continue reading

Every year, thousands of people across the country are injured in car accidents by distracted drivers. Studies have shown the number one cause of distracted driving is cell phone use. As cell phone technology advances, so too does the risk of distracted driving. The Illinois State Police Department estimates the use of a cell phone while driving increases the chance of getting into a car accident by 400 percent. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, in 2015 alone, approximately 3,477 people in the U.S. died in crashes that involved a distracted driver, and 391,000 people were injured. Here in Illinois, there were over 1,000 fatal crashes in 2017. This trend seems only to be continuing. In the month of January, 2018, there had already been over 60 fatal crashes with 66 fatalities in Illinois.   Continue reading

Every year, more than 10,000 people die in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. That’s one accident every 51 minutes. In Illinois, over 300 people are killed by drunk drivers each year.

When you drive, you face a serious and potentially life-threatening risk that there may be an impaired or intoxicated driver on the road. In Naperville, a drunk driver recently caused the deaths of two young DuPage County residents. While impaired driving also includes sleepy drivers and those impaired by illegal drugs or certain medications, drunk driving is a grave issue that needs to be addressed.
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